– Mijlocasul USA, Beasley, despre diferenta dintre World Cup in Germania si World Cup in Africa de Sud. “You don’t see any cow walking around the hotel in Germany”. Expresia “cowboy” sa fi aparut in Africa de Sud?
– 14 suporteri raniti dupa o gramada dezordonata la portile unui stadion. Se juca Nigeria – Coreea de Sud. Si era gratis.
– Om cu 6 cupe mondiale la activ -Henry Winter de la Daily Telegraph – intr-o spectaculoasa transmisie in direct din Africa de Sud: “At Sun City [hotel resort] near England camp. Sun rising but early-morning dip freezing. Baboons circling breakfast.” // “Baboons everywhere, grabbing bread off table. Kitchen cats hissing at them & staff seeing them off with pebbles & paint-ball gun. Score-draw.” // “Baboons just taken the lead – & the sugar, five sachets at a time, even the canderel, now sitting in trees, pouring sugar down throats. 2-1.” // Then, like a shining knight from days of yore, a pest control man turned up with some sage advice on how to scatter the horrid beasts; // “Baboons on roof now just out of range of gun-man firing small marbles. “I aim for the arse” says Mr Primate Control. Accurate up to 50 yards.”