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Sau, pentru conformitate, “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The feeling of everybody at the time – both sets of players and staff – was the ball had crossed the line” Chris Wilder, managerul lui Sheffield United.

Premier League a revenit în forţă cu o gherlă de zile mari a Hawk-Eye Goal Line Technology. Un gol văzut de pe acoperişul Brunel Building nu a fost detectat de cele 7 (şapte!) camere care trebuie să se asigure că mingea a trecut cu toată circumferinţa linia porţii.

“The seven cameras located in the stands around the goal area were significantly occluded by the goalkeeper, defender and goalpost. This level of occlusion has never been seen before in over 9,000 matches that the Hawk-Eye Goal Line Technology system has been in operation.”

Hai sa vedem poza de mai jos şi poate domnii cu camerele se gândesc să pună o a opta cameră. Cine ştie, poate îşi vor ameliora rata de eşec de 1:9000…


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